Experimentation, alignment, and sensitivity to the problem ✢

I believe in experimentation and alignment as the process. As a designer, I like to take ideas from other people, Benchmark, and my own intuition, and draft to help define the scope. For me, there is no right process or tool, and discussing on top of assets can take the ideas to another level.

This is how, usually, my process looks like:


Listen to my coworkers and users at all the phases of a project


The whys, hows and, whos necessary to understand the problem.


Using the answers, map the real problem.


Sketch what I mapped, and go after the "listen to" step again.

Even though I tend to this belief, I also know that we must be sensitive about the project timeline and the resources available. No reason to force bold ideas when all we need is to give the first step.

Ok, ok, let’s
talk about me

I’m a product designer based in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). I’ve mostly worked on early-stage startups, such as Bravado, but also had the chance to learn how things work inside bigger companies as VTEX. I discovered my taste for information design during my graduation on UFRJ and, from that, started enjoying user interface and user experience design more and more.

Me jumping

Send me greetings 👽 if you want to hear a lot of questions, and build new ideas together.