Exercises searching tool

Product Design, UI, UX, Research • Mar 2020
Brazilian teachers have 12 hours per day work routines: the work also occupies their personal lives, this tool was created to give their time back. I was the only designer responsible for this product, working with two and a half developers.

The search tool is the first product my team built in the Descomplica's new business unity: products for schools

In December 2019 I was invited to the first B2B team of Descomplica. We started facing the challenge of the fresh business model and a new universe of problems and opportunities to make teacher's lives better.

After all, teachers are the ones who choose which pedagogic assets integrate the school and the classroom.

Our problem and opportunity

School teachers take their work home and don't have time for themselves or to improve their skills

We decided to attack this issue by reducing the effort of creating exams and training material for students: a work that involves a long Google search. We had two months to develop the product, investigate the solution value to the users and, through this, observe how the teacher would see the Descomplica.

First release timeline

We had two months to develop the product, investigate the solution value to the users and, through this, observe how the teacher would see the Descomplica.

Benchmark and scope construction

I started the project Benchmarking the most relevant questions search tool on the marketing and watching teachers using it

When analyzing SuperPro I examined its architecture and I asked teachers that already used it to show me how the product works. With this, I mapped their mental model when creating exams and training lists.

After mapping, I started taking to the paper the central interactions.

Wireframing the problem to visualize the main interactions
Then, creating the user flow

Our product would have five main interactions:

We didn't have much time, so I decided to align the scope with high-fidelity wireframes.

The challenges of the experience ✢ Search and navigation

Navigation in our pedagogic system: what happens if a user searches for a therm different than the ones we use in our pedagogic system?

To prevent confusion, the search tool also has navigation by discipline.

Search feature wireframe and screens
From left to right: high-fidelity wireframes and the result - search links and discipline navigation.
Filtering for questions

The need for a robust filtering experience was clear to us since the Benchmarking. Each discipline, classroom, and school demanded specific approaches in the tasks.

After some experiment UI experiments and heuristic evaluation, we decided on an always visible filtering feature.

Filtering step wireframe and screens
From left to right: wireframes with possible filter interfaces and the final choice.
Sharing and applying

The offline flow to apply the list created in our product is a delicate point. We're instructing teachers in detail to keep them in control of the tool

Any moment the students get distracted could be associated with the use of the product.

Sharing section wireframe and screens
We started with a possible saving modal, but we're trying to padronize interactions like this in fullscreen. Also considered a page tho edit and save in the same moment, but the flows where different enough to be separated.

UI first version

Buscador screens
Buscador screens
Buscador screens
Buscador screens
Buscador screens
Most of the components used on the UI come from a shared library. Here are the new ones, created for the search tool.

Check out the experience here.

Discoveries and the future

We are tracking retention rate to measure our success and I've conducting user interviews and usability tests do improve the experience

During the development phase, the user interviews pointed out that the belief in the absence of the teacher's interest in bringing technology to the classroom may be a myth. We have the hypothesis that the time to discover and learn about digital tools is the real problem. In this scenario, I'm working in an experiment to empower teachers to use Descomplica tools: the Descomplica Methodologies (soon).

To the infinity and beyond

You just read and short version of the project story. If you want to know more, say "Hello" to me here.

Ending transmission 👩‍🎤

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👽 This portfolio is in constant evolution. Let me know your impressions about it  here.
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